Sunday, 22 October 2023

one %

"99% of people born before 1946 are already gone."

That seems to be about right.  I seem to meet fewer and fewer people who are older than me.  Sooner or later even that percentage will shrink.  Maybe that is why having friends who are the same age or older is so special.  Or is to me, anyway.  Thankfully, most of my older mates are quite inspirational.  I'm going to visit one such older friend next week, a lady whose life in older age is not at all easy but she smiles  through it all, and her mind is as sharp as ever.  Until now I've never given much thought to growing old gracefully.  Now might be the time to do so.

I'm enjoying this spring season, I think I'm becoming more observant.  Having the time to do that is a gift.

I'm  trying to start each day being thankful.  Not just for waking up to another day, that doesn't actually cross my mind.  This might sound a bit silly but right now here is what brings me joy.  At this time of year around the time that I wake each morning, a light shadow crosses my bedroom wall almost exactly in the same place where the light falls in this photo which I took at the magnificent abbey at Mont Saint Michel in France in 2015.  It has yet to align perfectly, either the outside sun isn't bright enough or the time isn't quite right but any day now it might be.

I call this photo the stairway to heaven.  I took it after climbing the 350 steps up the abbey to where a grilled gate blocked any further access to tourists.   So I stuck my camera through the grill and was lucky enough to catch the sun's rays lighting the way to what I thought must surely be heaven.

The photo is fading a bit now and I've though about having it re-printed but my eyesight is fading, too, so it doesn't seem important.

My cat could tell you I'm definitely getting soft in my older age.  I haven't got over feeling guilty about the trauma I caused her by moving here and do my best to make her life happy.  I think she knows and is now manipulating me.  I don't know why she thinks she owns the little desk which is shared by my sewing machine and laptop.  She sits behind the machine and  scowls at me when I use it, obviously doesn't appreciate the vibrations.

I put the laptop somewhere else when I'm sewing, then the machine gets pushed to one side to  make room for it when I want to visit blogland.  Which inconveniences her considerably.    It seems a bit churlish to mention the difficulty I have using the mouse.


  1. Looks like your cat owns that space, that's cute.
    99% of people, oh gosh it's no wonder when I google people I used to be aquainted with are gone. Love your stairway to certainly did climb a lot of step, and of course down again.

    1. Hi Margaret, She sure has taken ownership of my desk. But she regularly gets a favourite place, sits and sleeps nowhere else for a week or so, then moves on to another spot. I'll just have to wait it out, I think.

  2. Ah, maybe time to get her a small table on the side.

  3. Space is the problem, Tabor. My new unit is small. Most of the time we share the space quite happily but now she is claiming the space that is mine alone. Ah well, as I said to Margaret, she will probably find another favourite spot soon.

  4. Cats will do that. Our cats have so much space, but want to be right up in ours.

    The statistic amazes me, especially as i have many, many friends, relatives and clients over age 77.

  5. Hi messymimi, I decided to look up this country's statistics on population by age but they stop at 65+ And what I noticed most is that in that age group there are nearly twice as many women than men.

  6. I'm 52 years old and I feel like each day I'm getting more tired. I hear what you are saying. Your cat looks like he/she is supawvising.

  7. G'day, Pauline...your beautiful cat looks so much like my beloved Shama. Oh! How I miss my Shama and Remy...every moment, of every day.

    Ouch! I one of the 1% remaining!!!!

    Take good care...and please give my cuddles to your precious pet. :)

  8. The things we do (in my case 'did') to placare our pets.

  9. Pauline the men v women statistic is definitely borne out amongst my friends. Of a group of us who came to the Island in the '70s and are still here and still friends I am the sole male survivor of the 'morning coffee brigade'. It does lead to some leg-pulling.


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