Friday 28 July 2023

No rain today

Today I feel the need to celebrate.  Zues has been banished to I care not where. 

It's cold but the sun is shining.  I see sheets flapping on a neighbour's clothesline and 7 pairs of jeans/long trousers finally drying on mine.  I'm going to a rugby game tonight and was starting to wonder how I'd keep my legs warm.

Its nearly mid-day and the sky is still cloudless.  Could we possibly go a whole day without rain?

I looked back through my files and am reminded July is a good month for stormy skies.  Yes, we usually get a lot of rain in winter but this year it has been constant.  I think it's starting to get people down. 

If there have been lovely sunsets lately I've totally missed them.  By that time I've locked the doors, drawn the curtains and have been thinking only of being dry and warm.  But I was late getting home last Wednesday from my voluntary job at the hospital and had to pull off to the side of the road to capture this sunset.  My phone doesn't do it justice.

Go away, Kermit.


  1. When day after day after day is gray and cloudy and drippy, it does get us down. I hope you get more sunny days coming soon, and plenty of beautiful sunrises/sunsets.

    1. Mimi, the weather forecast is pretty good for the next few days. I hope it is right.

  2. Today was a beautiful sunny day - I think Kermit must have done what you told him LOL

    1. Yesterday continued fine all day, Margaret. I nearly froze at the rugby but it was great watching a game with no rain. Today has been fine again although it is clouding over now! So appreciate the sunshine.

  3. Don't let the weather get you down. Just wait for the skies to clear and the sun to shine. Lovely photos.

    1. Good advice. Thank you. Just one day of blue skies did me the world of good.

  4. The sunset in your photo, looks spectacular!

  5. Thank you, Duta. It was a beautiful sight, really lifted my spirits.

  6. Weather certainly impacts all of our moods, and the earth is getting sick and tired of us. I too have failed to go out and capture any sunsets because our weather is so awfully warm.

  7. It's strange the way the south and north island climates seem to have almost swapped. We've had hardly any rain here for over a year, not as much as I was warned about before we moved here. July is a good month for rugby, did you see the all blacks games?

    1. No, I didn't go to any of the ABs matches, watched them on telly with my son. The West Coast will lose it's rainy reputation!

  8. Out of the blue...or the grey, we had a brief, heavy downpour late yesterday afternoon. Similar is predicted in some area for later today.

    Take good care, Pauline. :)

    1. Hi Lee (?) I remember my mother's consternation when she learned that winter is our rainy season in NZ. You certainly don't expect many heavy downpours in winter, do you?

  9. The weather is certainly different here too. We have been away from home in the north of SA and the weather was sunny but back at home it is cold, and wet. We can't do much about the weather so we'll enjoy what we have as best we can.

    1. I like your attitude, Rosie. I don't like being that person who moans about the weather.

  10. lovely pictures love from poland

  11. Somehow I missed this post! must have been posted a day I was away but have caught up now.
    The weather here in Tasmania where I am isn't the best past few days, windy, storms, trees down, people without power but we have been lucky in our area. Raining on and off.
    Lovely sunset and glad the washing is flapping in the wind, nothing like washing dried outside on the clothesline..
    Take care.


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