Tuesday 9 May 2023

I'm so glad this "weather event" we're experiencing today didn't come our way on Saturday.  There had been a heavy rain warning issued for later in the day but, unlike today's "event", that didn't eventuate.

Saturday was the opening morning of shooting season and that's the day the 'factory girls' gather.  They've been doing that since the mid-eighties so are hardly girls any longer.  Even the youngest of us is probably past 50.  

It started off when the girls who worked in the laboratory at a dairy factory in the mid 1980s decided they should have some fun while their boyfriends and husbands went off duck shooting and began to have champagne breakfasts on that morning. The invitation to attend was extended to all the females who worked at the factory.  I was one of them.  The tradition has continued although breakfast now happens at lunch time and duck shooters have left their maimais by the time we arrive.

I don't attend these gatherings every year, I always say I will but I let life get in the way.  I'm resolved to make them a priority in the future.  

Now some of our number are starting to experience serious health issues, a reminder that our numbers may dwindle sooner than we would like, to appreciate this connection we have developed over the years, to treasure this annual opportunity to rekindle our friendships.

Just a little aside.  I kept staring at one of the ladies, unable to put a name to her.  Every time I saw her, I kept telling myself I know those lovely blue eyes.  I tried to imagine how she might look with different hair.  I listened to hear anyone use her name.  Finally she came up to me and said hello in what I immediately knew to be her unique, gentle voice and I knew instantly who she was.  We worked out we hadn't seen each other since 1994.

 Thankfully someone remembered to call us together for a group photo.  There are a few missing, they must have still been talking.


  1. A Champagne breakfast is a great tradition. So good it has continued.

    1. I think it's wonderful that there are so many of us who appreciate how lucky we all were to find ourselves in the same workplace at the same time.

  2. How wonderful to have a get together. People you work with become your friends usually, often there is no time to see others when you have a family and they are growing up.

    1. Our numbers were a bit lower during the years the younger ones had young children but are growing again now, Margaret. It's lovely hearing what the children are doing now.

  3. What a great tradition! My mother seldom missed attending an Old Girls luncheon every year (she went to a boarding school). She said it was always great to catch up with old friends that she never saw any other time :)

  4. Wonderful that you all make the effort to get together!

    1. I agree, Michelle. Some of the 'girls' travel quite a distance to be there each year.

  5. So nice you got to catch up with an old friend. Champagne isn't my thing but the rest of it sounds lovely.

  6. I'm so glad you and your friends can do this!

    1. I am too, mimi. I appreciate the core group who have kept the tradition alive.

  7. Hi Duta, Nearly a week since our catch up and I'm still smiling with happy memories.

  8. That is such a good idea to catch up with old workmates every year. Keep going.

  9. I intend to make it a priority every year, Diane. In the past I've sometimes not made the effort.

  10. A wonderful get-together...catch-up. Sometimes when I look in the mirror I don't recognise who I see, until I say something! :)

    Take good care, Pauline. Happy Mother's Day for Sunday. :)


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