Saturday 23 July 2022

Two more old houses

Further to yesterday's old homes here is the home where my paternal grandmother spent the rest of her life after leaving the farm "Up the Creek".  I was out one day sight seeing with my brother and neither of us could remember where the house was when we came to a roundabout not knowing exactly where we were, when I shouted to go back the way we had come but go past the road we had just driven along and turn down the next one.  And sure enough, just down that road a little was Grandma Ward's home, we both recognised it immediately.  I was so proud of myself!

May be an image of tree and outdoors

And here is the home where we moved to when I was five years old, where my mother and father raised their 12 children.  Doesn't look big enough, does it?  The girl who grew up two doors up the road and was my youngest sister's best mate during their childhood bought the home and opened up the front and side verandahs which my father had closed in to make more bedrooms.  This home isn't as old as the others but is a year or two older than me so it's close to 80 years old.

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