Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Rainy view

The rainy season is coming but after such a long, dry summer I still feel happy every time it rains.  Soon there will be mud everywhere - the circle of the seasons.

Linking to My Corner of the World


  1. It looks good. I never thought I'd welcome rain but we need some here. It is raining now but we could do with more.

  2. It's beautiful isn't it? I"m so grateful when we have rain cos once Summer hit's it's gone.

  3. May you receive enough and not too much.

  4. Over the past couple of days we've been receiving light showers, on and off. I love the rain...and wish more would come. The sound of it on the roof is so soothing. :)

  5. Lets hope the seasons keep coming.

  6. I never cease to be amazed by the huge seasonal difference in your rainfall. I remember your bridge being washed away and I can also remember the dry almost grassless paddocks. It's odd coming from somewhere where it rains summer and winter and even in Hawkes Bay we rarely had proper droughts.


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