Sunday, 17 May 2020

A Sunday visitor

Last Sunday as I was sitting on the deck enjoying the morning sunshine and eating my breakfast I heard the distinctive swoosh of the wings of a kereru (bush pigeon) in flight and this beauty dropped down for a quick drink and I was lucky to have my phone at hand for a quick pic.

This morning, the same thing happened but no phone was handy.  I presume it was the same one, they all look alike (sorry, couldn't resist that!).  We have a lot of them in the big old Moreton Bay Fig at the back of the house but they are up so high I can never get a photo of them.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Our pigeons are dirty destructive things. I hope yours are better behaved.

    1. The bush pigeon are nothing like their more common cousins. You only see these in the bush, Adrian, or nearby, never on buildings in towns.

  3. That's a big pigeon. Love the capture.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  4. Splendid. I think the only pic I got was on one of our safaris when you pointed it out to me. They are so much bigger than ours.

    1. I remember that bird, Graham. It just sat there while we stood underneath the tree and took our photos, didn't it? When they live near people they can be quite tame, allowing close approach, they seem very trusting. I hear ours before I see them, love the sound of their wing beats.

    2. Good heavens, Graham, I looked it up, that was in 2009!!

    3. How the years have flown by. Sometimes it seems like another world in another time. Oh yes. For me it was! Such wonderful memories though.

  5. We have no pigeons but a pair of mourning doves is nesting in a tree in the ravine. They are also so high up that we cannot get a good photo.

    1. Birds make the best neighbours I think. I'd just like mine to visit more often. From photos I've seen your mourning doves are beautiful birds.

  6. Nice! They are very curious birds aren't they?

    1. I think they are more trusting than curious, Amy. Or maybe they are both. I'll have to read up on them!

  7. It's nice to get such visitors and especially to get pictures.

  8. I think so, too, messymimi. I was thrilled.


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