Saturday, 25 April 2020

Stand at Dawn

This morning, for the first time since 1916 there were no dawn services to commemorate Anzac Day, a special day for all Australians and New Zealanders.  Instead, we were urged to Stand at Dawn, stand at the end of our drives, at our windows, on our decks, just stand and pay tribute to those of our countrymen who have served their country in war.

It was so peaceful as I stood outside and waited for the dawn.

To make up for my crap photo here's one my friend, Donna took in her garden of poppies, the symbol of war remembrance.


  1. Thank you from me to them all.

  2. No matter what, we have to remember.

  3. You remembered thats the main thing. The poppies are beautiful.

  4. A very important day to remember - Lest we forget.


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