Sunday 11 August 2024


It's been a week already since we celebrated my grand-daughter, Georgia's 21st birthday.  For a couple of days afterwards I thought I was just tired from the late, late night and all that dancing.  But no, I had caught a cold.  I don't seem able to shake them off as quickly as I used to.  

I was not very impressed with my timing but it turns out listening to broadcasts of Olympic events on the radio while snuggled up in bed, can be more enjoyable than I expected.  And if I drifted off back to sleep before the event was finished?  I just took that as a sign that I needed the sleep.

Wish I had some photos of the party to share but I was in the few that were taken and they haven't been shared as yet.  The young these days seem to like their photos to be selfies.  Maybe so they can edit/enhance the result?  To be fair, I didn't notice many selfies being taken either.  Everyone looked to be too busy dancing.  

I took a number of videos as requested by my younger daughter who was unable to travel because of recent knee surgery.  This is the only photo. 

But I did get a photo of the cake.


Not for the first time, I've been impressed by this group of young people.  Georgia and her boyfriend have a wonderful set of friends.  They are always so friendly and respectful.  I couldn't just sit quietly and watch the partying without one of them popping themselves down beside me to ask if I was OK, did I need anything and then staying for a chat.  I was so touched by one young man who told me he had cried during my speech, he missed his grandmother so much and he then spent about 20 minutes telling me all about her.  How special is that?

The party was at the lodge in the forest that I managed for a number of years.  It was so good being back there, checking out the improvements. I loved waking in the night (when the music finally stopped) hearing the call of moreporks (owls) in the bush surrounding the lodge and then the dawn chorus.  I do miss that place.

The next morning, two early-birds were out for a stroll.


  1. Let us hope you recover quickly from your cold. The cake looks amazing. If it tasted as good as it looks, it was delicious.


    1. Those who tasted the cake said it was delicious. I intended to come back for a piece later. But I forgot! I must be getting old!

  2. Your granddaughter sounds like she is a joy to have around...and isn't it wonderful that she has friends that you really like? That could almost make me tear up at how good they were to you.

    1. I'm so proud of her, Rose. I'm not surprised she has lovely friends, to see them all grow into lovely young adults makes me so happy. I know our future is in good hands.

  3. I hope your cold soon disappears Pauline. Just as well it didn't happen before the party.
    Your granddaughter and her bunch of friends sound awesome - it seems to be becoming rare to find such behaviour these days, and it is great to hear it still exists.
    Look after yourself, Mxx

    1. I'm starting to feel better, thanks, Margaret. You're right, we hear so much negativity about the young ones it's easy to forget that there are a whole lot of good young ones out there there, too.

  4. Sorry to hear that you are not well. Hope you will be better soon. It is so nice to hear about decent young people. So often we only hear of the bad stuff that some young ones get up to. How lovely of them to chat to you and make you feel inclusive. Bravo to the next generation.

    1. I'm on the road to recovery now, Diane. Seems my old age 'thing' is to be chest infections. Could be worse! Not only did the young ones make me feel included, they made me feel special.

  5. The venue for the party would have been lovely and I am happy to hear you had a great time and especially your granddaughter and her friends sound like lovely young people. I hope you are feeling better soon.

    1. Hi Rosie, I'll be better in no time, thanks to modern medicine. Might even be up to joining some friends for a glass of wine tomorrow night. The very thought of it is an incentive!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. They grow up so fast!! (whether one ever met them IRL or just know them from friends' blogs...)

    1. Hi Monica, You have such an excellent memory, you probably remember how for years Georgia featured in nearly all my posts.

  8. Gosh I remember my 21st. I have found young people today more respectful than othr ages. It's nice to see. If you had that coughing flu that's doing the rounds, hope you're better now, it was nasty.

    1. Hi Amy, I did have that coughing flu which progressed into a chest infection. Feeling more than half human again today. The sun is shining. :)

  9. What a lovely time. I wish your granddaughter many happy returns of the day!

  10. Thanks, mimi. It was indeed a lovely time.


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