Saturday 20 August 2022

Seven day difference

What a difference a week makes.

The seven days since these two photos were taken have been nothing like that day, last Sunday.  For me staying warm and dry at home listening to the rain on the roof and not looking outside much, it's just been a bit cold and dreary.  But for thousands of Kiwis in the Far North and south of the North Island and the west and north of the South Island it's been a time of nightmares with thousands forced to evacuate their homes to escape floods and the associated dangers of landslides, fallen trees, etc.

 Early morning

 Just around the corner, a bit further up the Whangarei Harbour at One Tree Point

I've spent the week preparing for Christmas, hand making gifts.  Yes, you heard me correctly, I'm fired up for the festive season.   My creative juices were ignited (can you ignite a juice?) the minute I heard my little Brazilian grand-daughter will be here for Christmas.  Well, not immediately, I spent days in a happy daze first.  Children and Christmas are inextricably linked. Christmas without little children is like the night sky without the stars.  Still lovely but with less twinkle.

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