Monday 11 October 2021

Pegs and pins

I can't remember the details of the chit chat but somewhere along the line I promised to make a bed for little Lexis' doll.  She's just turned five and has a plethora of toys at home but only one doll (a mermaid) at my house.  I didn't stop to think that I no longer have a bottomless supply of craft materials, I gave it all away when I downsized with the move into town last year.  Couldn't even find an old shoebox.  (Shoe boxes have endless potential!)

Thanks to pegs and a glue gun (thank heavens I didn't part with that) I managed something resembling a bed. 

Then using an old sheet, part of which had already been used for something else, and the stuffing from outdoor chair covers which I never use - and lots of pins - wallah, I had a mattress.  A bit lumpy, perhaps.  Surely she won't notice that.  You'll be relieved to hear I did sew it together.  The old fashioned way with needle and thread, hand sewn with love.


I must remember to ring my friend, Chris and tell her I misappropriated some of the material she gave me to make beeswax food wraps to make a bed cover and cover a bit more of the chair cover stuffing for the pillow.   

Happiness if enjoying the simple thing in life.  Yes, indeed.

Gee, I hope she likes it because I made two of them.  One for her home and one for here.  The other one had to be a double bed because that was the only other box I could find.  It has a warm blanket, too.

Both beds need some sheets. I think I might have to splash out and buy some material for that.

Hold on, I've just had a thought.  A cotton handerchief should do the trick.  She won't know what it is.  She belongs to the tissue generation.

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