Friday 17 July 2020

The storm

The storm came and went and another one came along.  I think that's what happened.  Or do the first one return?  I wasn't watching the weather reports.  I know there was a storm-less period in between when I went to the supermarket.

It was weird not really 'seeing' the storm.  I could hear it on the roof and see the trees in the distance waving around, see how wet the deck was but other than that there wasn't much evidence of it.  I couldn't see any water laying in puddles, except one ditch beside the road looked rather full. 

I heard reports of trees down across roads, people losing their roofs, major flooding in some areas yet here I felt untouched by it all, disconnected.  I know that it is a good thing to be sheltered from storms, to not have to worry whether the road is passable but, how can I explain it?  I feel a lack of vitality to life. 

Adjusting to a different life takes time.


  1. It sounded like a doozy of a storm, I'm glad you didn't have any damage but sad for those people who did. It is a strange time we are living in, I guess we are all slowly adjusting in our own way. Wishing you all the best Pauline.

  2. Storms will do that, devastate one area, leave another almost untouched. We had that about a month ago, our neighborhood was damaged, most others were not.

    If it was a tropical cyclone of any kind, the time between was the eye of the storm passing.

    Praying for recovery for those who suffered damage.


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