Wednesday 22 July 2020

Draining the swamp

I can't make up my mind which to focus on today, the weather or politics.  One is as unpredictable as the other.  When I opened my eyes this morning I heard heavy rain on the roof and could hear how strong the wind was.  In the early News broadcast there was another heavy rain warning for the north but no word about any more political resignations.    Whew!  It was getting hard to keep up to date.

But wait, the day had barely begun.  Before lunch time there had been a Cabinet Minister dismissed. 

They are draining the swamp before the elections on 19 September.


  1. I'd concentrate on the weather. Politics are the same the world over but you are truly blessed with Jacinda. She served her apprenticeship under our Tony Blair who was charming but his motives were truly satanic.

    1. The older I get the more interesting I find them both. If I could I'd send you our sainted one. I was going to say I'd swap her but wouldn't go quite that far.

  2. Your politics sound as chaotic as ours. November will bring peace or more chaos in our neck to the woods.

    1. Pre election time is like the silly season, isn't it? I just hate it when it gets nasty.

  3. Your elections are a month before ours. Oh yes, we need to drain the political swamp, but I rather like the wild wetlands. They are great places for wildlife and birds.

    1. I like wetlands, too. Far too many of them have been drained.

  4. The wetlands should stay wet (within reason, of course) and politics needs an overhaul the world over. What i would love to see is every election to have "None of the Above" as an option, and if None wins 30% or more of the vote, the whole ballot is thrown out and no one who ran before can run again. That would get some changes going.

    1. Oh, I do like your plan, messymimi. Put me down to join you.

  5. We're having just light, intermittent showers here today. They are welcome.

    I'm about to snuggle back up on my bed...with the newspaper...and my two furry mates. Keep taking good care, Pauline. :)

    1. I love a snuggle in bed with a book but never seem to master handling a newspaper in bed. Bright and sunny here today. Hurray! I'll be going to the footy later.

  6. I wish we had rain in the summer, must be so refreshing.

  7. Trouble is, it is winter here, our rainy season. We expect rain and it is welcome but not those floods.

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  9. So why are they draining the swamp? Yes the elections in September are going to be interesting, I think there's many people now swaying their voted between both the 2 parties.

    1. Hi Amy, I know that flood water looks like swamp water but I was referring to draining the political swamp. I agree, I think the swinging voters will decide who wins this election.

  10. The weather here is rubbish. It's not summer at all. The politics in the UK is equally bad. Heaven knows what sort of a country this generation is leaving for my grandson's generation.

  11. HI Graham, It seems to be the era of outrage here. Everyone is outraged about something. Maybe it will lead to great change in our world.


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