Monday 22 June 2020

Early manuka

It's said that early flowering manuka is a sign of a dry summer. 

If that's the case we are going to be in real strife come summer.  I've never seen it flowering this early before. As a rule I think it's early if I see the flowers in September but the young trees in the forest are starting to flower now.  Maybe it's only the young trees, I haven't seen any big ones flowering.  They look so pretty with their delicate snowy whiteness. 

While I was walking through the bush the 'wrong' colour green caught my eye.  Don't ask me how that clothes peg got there.  I have no idea.


  1. Someone leaving markers so that they know the way back? Perhaps there was a note attached left for you knowing that you'd pass that way someday? I have to say that seems to be one of the oddest things you could find there given the remoteness of the path.

    1. When I'm alone in the bush I often forget that so many schoolkids have been there, their teachers try to make sure they leave only footprints but sometimes something is overlooked. I think it would have part of one of their activities.

  2. Summer officially started yesterday. Hope you summer is not too dry.

  3. Enjoy your summer! Our winter is quite mild right now.

  4. Maybe it got left on someone's washing and they put it there on a walk...

    1. Hi Amy, The peg was a fair distance from a track and I wouldn't have gone fighting my way through the bush if the colour hadn't looked so out of place. I'd say it was part of a scoolgroup's game.

  5. They are beautiful flowers and it is wonderful that you know when things bloom and what they portend. You are one with the earth.

  6. I think the signs we see in nature are often better forecasters than the "others", especially for long range forecasts. But in this case I am now confused as a friend who knows about these things has told me since posting this that early flowering in young trees like that is more likely to be as a result of our dry summer, not a prediction. So much to learn!!

  7. We know the frosts are over when the pecan trees bloom, people in the know wait for the pecan to bloom to plant tomatoes. You can fool every other tree, but not the pecan, if it holds the blooms, there will be one more frost.

    Many trees know. Perhaps the young manucas are feeling it sooner than even the old ones.

  8. A flying clothes peg pretending it is a grasshopper! :)


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