Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Jami's Project - Day 29

My mood from yesterday has eased off a bit but not completely. What I'm dwelling on today is in the same vein.

I'm not really into following politics very closely, I find it a very negative past-time. Usually I'm impatient with those who attack, attack politicians and the media for going on and on about the same thing. Now, it's the opposite, I'm wondering why the media can't do their job, ask questions, get clarification of what the hell is being told to them. I'm fed up with the vagueness of a lot of what we are told.

The PM and the Director-General of Health (who has become a substitute Minister for Health) are doing a good job of fronting NZ's response to Covid-19 but have some how become almost beatified and to question them is somehow wrong. If our worst days are over – and, oh, how I hope they are – it's surely high time to assess whether they were, in fact, faultless in all they did. Whether there is a better way of doing things next time, which, of course, I hope I'm not here to see. Maybe it's just too soon for that. But I still want to see journalists acting like journalists and not Jacinda and Ashley puppets.

This is my daily entry for Jami's Project whereby she wants to create a collection of journal entries from people of different ages, from different countries and different parts of this country, during this 30-day, Covid-19 period. She wants to highlight how “in this together” we all are, regardless of government policies, and the influence it will have on our wellbeing and to evaluate what individuals do to cope. She has participants from Alaska, Canary Island, France, Canada and Norway. (Jami is my grand-daughter.)

The Daily Count
Total cases 1451, Northland 27
6 new cases
11 in hospital
1006 recovered
14 deaths
There have now been 5 days of random testing and so far no positive cases have been found.


  1. It's much the same here. Our media is disposed to favouring the left so they pick at irrelevancies and rarely question the substance of what they perceive as a right wing parliament.
    We also have the deification of our health service. Some of the timid and less bright even gather once a week to bang saucepans with spoons. It's medieval. If the Bat Flu gets them after all the pan bashing then they will no doubt escalate to animal and then human sacrifice. Mad as a box of frogs they are.

    1. I'm glad we are not alone, Adrian. Not that that makes it any better, of course.

  2. There will be a next time because we don't have a vaccine or a medication that works yet.

    1. Yes, you're right, Diane and it doesn't sound like a vaccine is very close just yet either.

  3. Writing at length about my hangups with politicians and the political process would result in an essay in your comment section, so i shall refrain. Suffice it to say, i do not like journalists behaving this way, either.

    1. I guess many of us feel that way, messymimi.

  4. Hang in there, Pauline. I've drastically cut down the amount of news I'm watching...too much was beginning to become too much for me.

    Take good care. :)


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