Saturday, 18 April 2020

Jami's Project - Day 25

I'm definitely feeling on top of the world today. 

My Brazillian grand-daughter has finally arrived. We've had a video chat with the delighted new parents and I've gone all gooey looking at the perfection of her. This is the first time I've been a 'distant' grandparent. That has been softened a little by the thought that even if I lived up the road I wouldn't be able to cuddle her.

What a time to enter this world! I'm thankful for all this modern technology and instant communication. Within hours of her birth I've been able to print a photo of her to gaze at whenever my thoughts stray to “I wish ….. “ This is not a time for wishes, more a time to give thanks for what we have and I have so much.

This is my daily entry for Jami's Project whereby she wants to create a collection of journal entries from people of different ages, from different countries and different parts of this country, during this 30-day, Covid-19 period. She wants to highlight how “in this together” we all are, regardless of government policies, and the influence it will have on our wellbeing and to evaluate what individuals do to cope. She has participants from Alaska, Canary Island, France, Canada and Norway. (Jami is my grand-daughter.)

The Daily Count
Total cases 1422, Northland 26
13 new cases
20 in hospital
867 recovered
11 deaths
There have now been 2 days of random testing and so far no positive cases have been found.


  1. For once I can look at a new born baby and say with honesty that she looks human. Congratulations.

    1. Thanks, Adrian. She's just a perfect little human, I agree.

  2. I took a closer look and Adrian is correct! She does look like a proper person and not a new-born baby. Perhaps it's me but I've never understood it when people say of a day old child that 'he looks just like his father/mother/window cleaner.

    1. I'm like you, Graham, I can rarely see resemblances in babies. Other family members are commenting on who she reminds them of. To me, she's completely individual, there's never been one quite so perfect. But I've been like that with all my babies and grandies.

  3. Congratulations :) And may the whole corona-virus-situation be history long before she's old enough to make her own memories!

  4. Congratulations!!! Praying all goes well and you can go see her in person very soon.

    1. I think it will be quite a while before long haul travel is something I'll be undertaking, messymimi. But, as soon as I can, I will.

  5. Oh, I do hope so, Monica. That's a lovely wish for her.

  6. Oh! The darling little pet! How beautiful she is! You must be many conflicted emotions going on at present.

    Let's hope all will be back to "normal" again you can finally get to meet the little darling in person. :)


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