Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Jami's Project - Day 15

Just take a look at this!  The mountain and forest have been gobbled up - by rain!  Sorry about the exclamation marks but there has been a lot of happy exclaiming going on around here is the last half hour or so.   We're having the sort of rain farmers call 'liquid gold', heavier than light but not too heavy, a Goldilocks 'just right'  - set in, constant. 

A few potplants, a couple of which have been really struggling, sitting outside in the rain to have a good drink.  And a bucket to collect the best drinking water there is.

In other news, two days in a row now the PM has been feeling cautiously optimistic about our Covid19 numbers.  That proves the value of the Lockdown.  It's been two weeks tomorrow since we went to Level 4 and another two weeks to go but the results must surely help us all understand why it's necessary and accept it if it's extended (which I suspect it will be, although maybe a few rules will be loosened.)

I think it's interesting that, athough I suspect our Lockdown rules were more strict than most other country's, many of us would have liked to see even tighter border restrictions.  Mind you, Kiwis are extremely patriotic and delight in telling anyone who will listen that "we punch above our weight'.  Maybe that phyche is what has been the secret to the Lockdown success.  It's been like we, as one, have been fighting for our country.  Not sure if that is making sense or if I've been doing too much navel gazing.  

Let's hope we stay on the plateau.

This is my daily entry in Jami's Project whereby she wants to create a collection of journal entries from people of different ages, from different countries and different parts of this country, during this 30 day Coronavirus period. She wants to highlight how "in this together" we all are, regardless of government policies, and the influence it will have on our wellbeing and to evaluate what individuals do to cope.  She has participants from Alaska, Canary Island, France, Canada and Norway.

The Daily Count
1210 total cases, 20 in Northland
50 new cases
12 in hospital
282 recovered
1 death


  1. Good to see you have rain. The trouble with rain here is that once it starts it doesn't know when to stop.

    1. We're not having that problem today, Adrian, it's gone already but things do look promising for some more.

  2. My state, Kentucky, has been doing a good job of quarantine, but many other states are not doing so well. They need to tighten their rules, I think! Stay well!

  3. I love you Kiwis, you are an inspiration! Thank you Pauline for the super photos also. Hope your rain turns to sunshine as soon as the farmers have all they need for their crops :)

    1. Still hoping for more rain, Denise. Somehow the weather gods rarely get it exactly how farmers would like it.

  4. Praying you get enough rain without too much, and that your numbers continue to improve.

  5. Thanks, messymimi, The rain stopped but in the past couple of hours has been coming and going. It's lovely!! And our numbers today are amazing.


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