Wednesday, 25 May 2016

The cheek!

I'm trying to find a way to politely explain that I'm a tad annoyed with the New Zealand Qualification Authority.  A friend from my days working in the tertiary education sector has drawn to my attention that a photo from my blog has been used in an examination paper.  No, not with my permission.  A few times in the past people have contacted me requesting to use one of my photos and I've been only too happy to agree and have been chuffed to see my photo in a book or on the cover of a CD.  This time I can't even see which photo they used as they have had the good grace to print "For copyright reasons, this resource cannot be reproduced here." when the exam paper appeared on their website.

So, my mission for today is to make my displeasure known to the NZQA.  I've given up trying to get through by phone so will have to put it in writing.  I know that putting photos on my blog and doing nothing to protect myself from copyright infringements leaves me open to such things happening.  And I know NZQA would not have profited by it but I think it is just rude considering, from the exam question, that the photo was used as an example of poor farm drainage.  The bloody cheek is what I really think!

So, now I will finish that letter and then do something about adding copyright to my photos.


  1. It is annoying when folk are not only thieves but rude with it. The EXIF data will prove title.

    1. I think I was mainly indignant that the farm should be criticised, especially for drainage when my son has spent a small fortune laying drains. But until I get a reply I don't even know what photo they used. It may not even have been one of this farm. I do agree that it is rude.

    2. What would a teacher or examiner know about land drainage anyway. It is expensive and time consuming but obviously not as expensive as paying or asking to use a picture.

  2. How exceptionally irritating and appalling manners from such a body.

    1. Very irritating, Graham. I know how paranoid the staff at the polytech were about copyright. Hard to believe that the qualifications authority would err in such a way. Guess there's no accounting for bad manners.

  3. Hope you get them but good!

  4. They should have asked permission. That's not difficult. I doubt that copyrighting would make much difference to some people.

  5. That's just terrible behaviour and one should be able to expect more from a government body!


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