The day before the Big Event Leone asked me to go with her to look at a house for sale near the beach where she and my older son live. There, firstly one by one and then two by two I discovered two of my brothers and their wives, two of my sisters and a niece were all there. My brother Peter and his wife live in England, all the others live in Australia. I honestly had no idea, had no expectation that any of them would even think about coming all that way for a birthday. One other sister made her appearance the next day. I cannot begin to explain how delighted I was. I blemished my reputation as a speech maker by becoming overwhelmed and getting teary eyed.
Four sisters. Only the youngest knows how to behave herself.
There are still a few bloggers around who will remember how my grand-daughter, Georgia and I spent hours in my kitchen together when she was a child. She credits me with her love for cooking and her current role in hospitality. Which is strange because all we ever cooked was muffins and I am a really lousy cook. Look at the beautiful cake she created for me.
With my grandchildren and g-g-daughter beside me in white.
One grandson was in Australia and unable to attend.
The Australians and English guests. My niece proved expert at avoiding photos.
What a wonderful achievement. Happy Birthday and wonderful to see the family. Gorgeous cake. Take care.