Sunday, 4 April 2021

It's been ages since I last saw a rainbow.  Now, as we approach winter I suppose I'll see one around every corner.  Hope so.  Wouldn't that be lovely?

Luckily, I was a passenger in my daughter's car when this double beauty presented itself on Thursday evening.  Easter traffic was horrendous in Whangarei, it seemed like everybody who lives south of us was heading north for the long weekend.  At the time it was raining lightly and between trying to avoid the sweep of the windscreen wipers and the passing power poles, I didn't have much of a chance to get a decent shot, but it was the best I could do.

We had a bit of a storm later that night, then the weather cleared for Easter and we've enjoyed glorious weather since.

My son's football club were celebrating their 75th anniversary over Easter so the good weather was appreciated by many.  Two games of rugby for me over the weekend, haven't done that since my boys played.  The first game was a regular fixture for the senior team against the team my boys used to play for.  My son coaches this team so he was happy as they had a big win.

You know you're in a rural area when the rope to keep spectators off the field is held up with electric fence standards.

That's my son in the middle of the half time huddle in the cap.  And his farm working boots!  Guess he was in a hurry, running late to get away from the farm.  I hope he was telling them they needed to tighten up on discipline (as this armchair critic thought)!

The next day's game was for the 'masters' which seems to be the acceptable term for what we used to call the golden oldies.  The best former club players Vs former representative players.  The players in the local team appeared to be a fair bit younger that the former reps but what the older guys lacked in dark hair they made up for in skill.  I guess when you have the skills to represent your region, those skills never leave you.  A couple of them still had a good turn of speed, too.  

My father used to enter the "Find the Ball' competition in the paper every week.  There'd be an action football photo and you had to place an X where you thought the ball would be in the photo.  He's tell us you had to follow the players eyes, see where they were looking.  Can you mark the spot?

It went that way.

No, wait, maybe it was this way.

Any clue?

On Saturday night my daughter-in-law catered for a formal dinner for 170 guests, with her daughters as her assistants.  I'm of no use in the kitchen, stayed home and enjoyed listening to the music and happy voices drifting across from the hall.  It's been a wonderful weekend.


  1. It's great to see those old timers coming out to show that they still have what it takes. As I settle ever more firmly into my dotage, I think most of my skills are still intact, but I would have to pass on a burst of speed! You obviously had a great weekend, Pauline.

    1. It always enjoy games when the old boys come out to play. Invariably they enjoy themselves immensely despite occasionally gasping for breath.

  2. Rugby is a tough sport. My high school use to play at Rugby in the spring before the regular spring sports could play. We were not very serious about it, just having fun.

    1. It is a tough sport, I agree. As another old lady said to me when a player was injured on Saturday - "silly game, don't know why I watch."

  3. It sounds like you're having a lovely Easter weekend, Pauline...some of it socialising with others...and other times enjoying your own company...peace and tranquility.

    Mine has been spent very planned, by choice...and I'm enjoying it. We've had rain since Saturday, with heavier falls predicted for today and tomorrow. Good weather for remaining indoors bingeing on reading, movies/series...and chocolate! :)

    "Find the Ball" used to be a regular "thing" in the papers here, too, years ago. I've not thought about that for years!

    Following the direction of that fellow's eyes, I'd say the ball is in the picture above the one he features in! :)

    Take good care.

    1. I hope everyone is as happy with their Easter weekend as you and I were, Lee. Dad's "Find the Ball" used to be in the Courier Mail, I think on Wednesdays but that is really stretching my memory.

    2. Yes, Pauline..."Find the Ball" was in the "Courier Mail". :)

  4. Not knowing much about rugby or other forms of football, i have no clue where the ball went. It's rare that i can follow such a game well, although i do admire all the work and practice and discipline and everything else it takes to play such games well.

    Hope you and your family had a blessed and beautiful Easter!

  5. I admire the dedication it takes to play at the top level. Well, any level really but rarely does anyone get to the higher levels without huge commitment. My son used to travel 2 hours each way to attend rep training while working full time as a farmer, with 5 am starts to milk the cows. Now as a coach he still gives a lot of his time and energy to the game.

  6. Great to hear you had such a happy weekend - lots of fun :)

  7. How lovely to see this rainbow, and an added treat being with your daughter. Those double rainbows are a rare treat, even for a single rainbow for me. Congratulations to your son’s football club on its 75th anniversary. That’s quite an accomplishment and a win on top of that. Wonderful! Sounds like you had a great time and your photos were very enjoyable.

  8. Gosh your daughter must be a whizz in the kitchen, I can't imagine catering for that many people, good on her.


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