Tuesday 26 November 2019

Early flowers

Three years ago I noticed the manuka (or tea tree) was flowering earlier than usual.  This year it is flowering even earlier than it was in 2016.  That's said to be a sign of a long, hot summer which will make the summer hard for the farmers.
Family and friends will be travelling this road this weekend to celebrate the 21st birthday of our twin girls.  Where did those years go?  It seems like yesterday that the family were crying tears of happiness at the news they were to be ours.
Not flesh of my flesh,
Not bone of my bone, 
But still miraculously my own.

The cabbage trees are also flowering at the moment.  I love their creamy white flowers.  


  1. I have some tea tree shower gel. It stinks. Manuka honey is grand stuff but very expensive; perhaps it will be cheaper this time next year.

    1. I doubt that manuka honey will get any cheaper, Adrian. I suspect the authorities will tighten up on the rules on what honey can claim to be true manuka honey and charge more for its antibacterial qualities.

  2. A long hot summer is probably not what is wanted but it is what it is. Hope your girls have a wonderful 21st and safe travels to all. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes, Rosie, weather is what it is, that's for sure. Same as grandchildren growing older!

  3. Beautiful flowers
    Happy 21st birthday to your girls

  4. I love the Tea Tree flowers. Happy Birthday to your girls.


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