Thursday 25 July 2019


From time to time I have the loveliest neighbours one could imagine.  Maybe I should say the loveliest I could imagine or hope for because I accept not everyone loves cows like I do. 

A farmer from about 6 kms down along the road grazes the land beside the lodge access road.  Her cattle are stud limousins, the quietest of quiet animals, extremely placid.

The past few days they have been helping us keep the lodge access roadsides under control.  They can get to places a man on a tractor cannot and they enjoy a meal of roughage.

When I went up to the lodge a couple of days ago I found them all sitting on the top of the hill enjoying the winter sunshine.  Those on the road begrudgingly hauled themselves to their feet and a few peered in through the car windows at me as if to see if they knew me.

Each cow has her name on an ear tag.  Say hello to Jackie.

There's always one loner and there she was right at the bottom of the hill.

and holding her ground


  1. Cows can be wonderful neighbors, as long as you don't, as my friend Di does, have a Small Bad Dog which loves to go rolling in the cow droppings.

  2. They are very peaceful animals.
    How long did it make you wait?

  3. A lovely refreshing country post. You have the best type of neighbours.

  4. I love cows...there is something quite wonderful about them.

    I was admiring a few yesterday during a drive down to a nearby rural township, driving past paddocks with cattle and horses quietly grazing therein. I smiled as I drove past one farm, in particular, where a rather large bull and a large cow were comfortably settled, side by side, on the ground enjoying a quiet moment of pondering the world around them.


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