Friday, 21 April 2017

Turkeys and fences

This week there's a small resident flock of wild turkeys roaming beside the road into the Lions Lodge.  Yesterday morning they were acting like they thought that fence was there to keep them in.  It's probably the same fence they roost on at night.

 Wild turkeys are wary and do not allow close approach but these were a little less wild than most.  They hogged the road in front of me and I happily idled along behind them hoping to get close enough for a good photo.

 Up over the hill they went.

 And down the other side.

Until finally they decided I was a bit too close and over the fence they went. 

Further up the hill, the same fence was more effective keeping the sheep on their side of the fence.  As you can see, the weather is a bit drizzly.

Linking to Gosia's Good Fences.


  1. Love your beautiful and spacious countryside. I like to disturb turkeys by imitating the sound they make. Have a beautiful day!

    1. I've tried that, too, Nancy. I thought it was funnier than the turkeys did, I think.

  2. Fabulous images of the Turkeys.

    1. Thanks, Bob. I need to work a bit harder at it, I think.

  3. That was a fun drive, herding turkeys! They are comical creatures!
    Thanks for coming by my blog yesterday!

    1. I agree, Christine, they are comical creatures. Sometimes their numbers grow to the extent that they become pests but I always find it hard to think of them as that.

  4. I like the road or trail that pops up in some of your photos. You've had pleasant winding roads in some of your other photos.

    1. Red, I sometimes think it's the home of winding roads around here and I've come to love them. There are many others in rural areas in this country and they all have their own charm.

  5. Turkeys are funny critters. They can be easily spooked by nothing, or not move when in danger sometimes. A nice adventure you had there!

    1. It was a nice break to a routine drive, Messymimi. I'm glad I wasn't in a hurry!

  6. I am so loving that you are posting regular again...I loved seeing these. We have hardly seen any turkeys the past few months.

    1. I'm enjoying blogging again, Rose. Sometimes we don't see many turkeys this far down the road, they mainly hang out and multiple a bit further up the road. But they do love to wander.

  7. Forgot to say that I love that shot, the 3rd one from the bottom.

    1. Yes, that is my favourite shot of the day, too, Rose.

  8. Neat looking fence over the lovely landscape! The turkeys seems to manage their group well and nice watching them

  9. I can hear the strains of "Don't Fence Me In!" echoing across the paddocks! :)

    1. Now you'll have me singing that next time I drive up to the lodge, Lee. And that would definitely frighten the turkeys.

  10. I wonder what turkeys taste like? probably tough...but they tend to think they can wander everywhere they want.

    1. We used to eat turkeys years ago when my boys were at home and went on the occasional turkey hunt. There was some rule about when not to eat them because crickets would have been their main diet at that time of year. It was something to do with a J - January, June and July but I can't remember if that was the good or bad time for eating them. I didn't like the taste much, a bit gamey for me.

  11. I remember some of the fun we had trying to get turkey photos. I never got any as good as these.


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