Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Signs of summer

Summer has been reluctant in arriving this year.  Makes an appearance, then withdraws.  But I'm pretty sure this time it will stay.  All the signs are good.

 The pohutakawa are flowering

 That cursed carrot weed is thriving on the roadside verges

 My Christmas lilly is adding colour to my day

And the cabbage trees are decked out for Christmas.


  1. It's always hard to get my head around your green grass and talk of summer.

  2. I don't know why but the cabbage tree flowers make me sneeze, but it's certainly lovely seeing all the red pohutukawa flowers out right now.

  3. Love the lily. I hope you had a great Christmas and have a Happy New Year. I hope summer stays.

  4. On the whole around Napier we had to make do with Northern Rata because there were relatively few Pohutakawa. I remember the large hillside displays in Tauranga most vividly.

  5. How I envy you Pauline. After some beautiful weather before Christmas we now have grey, grey and more grey, with gales for a bit of variety.
    With all good wishes for 2017. x

  6. Hello Pauline,

    I think they should re-name New Zealand to the place that is always blooming. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and all the best for 2017.

    Happy days.

  7. Once the Pohutukawa flowers are out we know it's Summer!
    You got some good shots here Pauline and I loved your post on Mt Taranaki - the lengths we bloggers go to for a good shot - well done you haha!
    Happy New Year to you and your family.
    Thank you for visiting me. After being absent for so long I wondered if anyone would comment - bloggers are such nice people!
    Shane x

  8. Beautiful. I like the roadside picture especially! Seems such a long way off here... (as indeed it is!)

  9. Happy New Year Pauline!
    It's one of the first signs of Summer for us when the Pohutukawa flowers arrive!
    It's been such a windy one for us!
    Even in our little sheltered courtyard, we've seldom had our umbrella up in case it does a Mary Poppins and the fierce wind takes it off to parts unknown!!!!
    I understand how you feel about carrot weed but it makes such a pretty picture looking down the valley!

  10. Summer sure hasn't been reluctant to arrive here....and I'll bet it won't be reluctant to leave, either...worse luck!


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