Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Hanging out with the regulars

I wanted to go for a walk along a beach this morning but the beach I went to was fully occupied and I didn't feel inclined to disturb the regulars.  As I sat and looked and just breathed in the serenity, it started to rain. Decision made, no walk.  Aucklanders are lucky to have places such as this where one can re-charge the batteries.  It was nearly 10 am, school holidays, and not a soul in sight.  The weather probably had something to do with that.  The photo is crap, shot through the windscreen.  

My daughter is back in hospital, just a minor set back I think.  She was recovering so well from the surgery, it is just wonderful to see her with no pain in her back.  I'm sure she will continue to make good progress once they sort out the leg pain and her innards.  I don't want to broadcast to the world about the state of her innards, I'll just leave that to your imagination.

Happy days!


  1. Leave to my imagination. That's unlike you I was dreading a photograph of her innards.
    I wish her a get well soon.

  2. This "crap" photo conveys nicely the wet and damp mood of the day. Sorry your daughter is not on the mend as rapidly as you both hoped.

  3. Sending all good and positive vibes and wishes your way Pauline for a quick recuperation for your daughter.
    LOVE those ducks!

  4. We are not unused to sitting in the car and having a coffee or even a take-out sandwich down by the river.

  5. I must have been missing some post in the near past... scrolling back... found it, I think. I hope the problem gets sorted out and your daughter gets well soon.

  6. I didn't think the photo was crap, and I'm glad your daughter seems to be doing better. I'll pass on imagining her innards. :-)
    I just happened by your blog, and now I'm your newest follower. It's nice to 'meet' you.
    Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com

  7. Didn't want to disturb the regulars...that's funny, I expected to see folks with towels on a beach, you tricked me!
    Has your daughter ever been tested for Celiac disease? Just asking, my husband was diagnosed with it as a 3 three old, he was lucky he was in London. In the USA, it is just now becoming better known! It can be determined by a simple blood test. (And the average in the USA before the proper diagnosis is 11 years! No big medical company behind it, don't you know...you have to go gluten-free which uses no drugs!!)

  8. Wishing your daughter a speedy recovery and hope she is out of the hospital soon Pauline.

    Love those 'regulars' by the way. So many of them too. I was happy to see a pair waddling across the grass today.

  9. Best of luck with the innards and everything else.

    Best of luck with the weather too; may the rain stop and let you enjoy a stroll on the beach, regulars notwithstanding.


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