Saturday, 16 March 2013

It's happening!

It's looking like today will be the day!  I hope I'm not being overly optimistic.  

We really need rain.  Not just us, the whole of the North Island has been declared a drought area. 

I think it doesn't look too bad around here, I know it's worse in some other places.  The trees and bush at least offer us something green to look at. 


Those who visit here often will be familiar with the paddock beside my house.  You will never have seen it like this before.

I'm no expert on predicting the weather from looking at the sky, I find watching ants more reliable, but there is one cloud formation I'm positive I know the meaning of.  That streaky look to the clouds tells of strong winds up high in the atmosphere.  Those clouds came out of the east about half an hour ago.  I put some laundry on the line to welcome them.  

They have gone already, replaced by lots of cloud, darker in some some places but they are moving quickly across the sky.  If I knew how I'd do a rain dance, beg them to stay, please stay. 

Oh bugger it, there's no-one around, I'm going to do it anyway.


  1. I always rely on the weather people as they give a 50-50 chance of being accurate!

  2. Good luck with the dancing....Your drought made the national news here so things must be desperate. I wish i could send some of our rain.

  3. Pauline the ants were shifting house here today. Perhaps tomorrow......
    Did you see the big notice on the Baptist Church in The Regent? - 'Pray for Rain'

  4. Dance away - it's good for the soul - even if it doesn't affect the clouds!

    It doesn't seem that long since we were looking at photos of your place flooded. Life is contrary.

  5. Whatever it takes! I certainly know the longing for rain that comes around August here. At this time of year when the world is covered in moss and the rains come daily it's hard to remember the fear of fire during the summer drought. I'm always amazed that two days of fine weather turns the flower beds to powder and the forest to tinder. That's life on a rocky island.

  6. Good luck with the rain-dance.

  7. wish I could have seen the rain dance!! good luck!


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