Friday, 10 February 2012

FSO - Scavenger Hunt

I haven't read anywhere that the original rules apply, but will stick to one of each - wood, metal, stone - straight off the camera.

Well, not quite, because the first has both wood and metal that my two creative friends used to create outdoor art. 

I was annoyed with myself and my faulty memory yesterday when I got home from work, and remembered I'd forgotten to go to the place I knew there would be some impressive stone.  Remembered I'd forgotten - that must be the Irish in me!  Not to worry, I told myself, I got a rock shot last weekend.  And then I remembered it was stone, not rock I was supposed to be looking for.  I think it's forgivable to get my stones and rocks mixed up.  So my stone is more like a rock in need of a haircut.

The rest of the Friday Shoot Outers will be posting their home town takes on this topic here.  I see the link is up already - well done to our hosting team.  I have a metal flower from a piece Twink gave me, so this is for you guys.


  1. A rock in need of a haircut! Love it!

  2. I will take rock, stone. Great photos Miz Pauline. Love the metal art work.

  3. Ahhhh...the old rock in need of a haircut! However, I am now confused, as usual - the difference between a stone and a rock. Hmmm. Things were simpler when I was a college hippie. I just got stoned and went to rock concerts.

  4. Hello Pauline,

    Your rock reminds me of one of those things you got the kids to grow,can't remember the name, you know I must have some Irish blood somewhere!!!

    Have a great weekend. Lucy and I have just been dancing with the WII. We are stuffed.

  5. I love that metal artworks!

  6. You made me smile with that rock that needs a haircut! I have stones this week that might also be better classified as a rock. :))

  7. I love the rock in need of a haircut too. Maybe it's a troll?

  8. Love the fuzzy headed rock. But like someone above I didn't realize there was a difference between a stone & a rock....hmmmm

  9. stone, a little rock be! (?) I really think they are interchangable - unless its a stone walkway or stone floor or stone wall. but can have a gravel walkway...or rock wall.... see interchangable.

    I like your first piece of art...

  10. I can see I need to rethink my idea of the difference between a stone and rock! I have always thought of stones as little rocks as Ginger suggests but now I see .....

  11. Love the metal flower - how unique.


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