Friday, 27 January 2012

FSO - Delicate

Delicate and I are not usually mentioned in the same sentence.  Doesn't mean I don't appreciate delicate things.

I delight in the delicate everyday sights around me - water flowing gently over rocks.

and other natural things:

Delicate bubbles in a glass of milk fresh from the cows:

The same cows delicately eating their meal:

But I also like man made delicate things:

I really enjoyed this topic.  And I know the rest of the team will have come up with some great shots.  Just go here to check them out.


  1. You take absolutely beautiful pictures. They inspire me to work harder with my camera.

  2. I love the cows - something so big can seem so delicate. I had a real issue with N Friburgo - there is nothing delicate - that I can see.....

  3. Wonderful comparisons: mighty water rippling gently; a seed that can break tarmac lightly blowing on the breeze; a web (or is it a nest sac?) so delicate and yet so strong; bubbles so delicate and yet the surface tension is mighty; I'm not so sure about the cows (I've seen their tongue rip a tent!); and the strength of the glass with such delicate colours. Hmmmm.

  4. Love that second shot, absolutely beautiful!

  5. Especially love the cows.
    Just lovely...

  6. The cow - such a dainty eater - and perfect for 'delicate'.

  7. Have to say it would never have occurred to me to include something as big as a cow in the delicate theme. But I love getting my mind twisted with different perspectives! Love your photo of the glass beads, the way you've managed to catch the light in them.

  8. You have got it gal. Would never have thought of the cows either. But no matter how big, nature itself is a delicate balance.

  9. Lovely photos! Have a wonderful time with your camera this week!

  10. I love this post and would have shot a thistle if I could have found one myself. But only you would see and show us the delicacy of cows eating! LOL.

  11. Oh, wonderful!

    I didn't play this week but out looking to see what everyone else did. :)

  12. Love the web and the dandelion!

  13. Sent you a comment, but had trouble sending it.

    Try again: That last piece of jewellery is very beautiful. And it is interesting, if one tiny last piece gets lost. you don't have to find an exact duplicate.


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