Friday, 9 September 2011

FSO - Grandparents Day and Patriot Day.

We don't celebrate either of these days in New Zealand but I would have no objections to a Grandparents Day. 

My mother is the senior grandparent in my family.  She raised 12 children and has 28 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren.  I hope I got that count right!  Needless to say she has never learned to be idle.  To this day her fingers are always busy. 

 To all the grandparents who are feeling a bit old and past their best, may your grandchildren be your pot of gold.

HappyGrandparents Day and Patriot Day to those who celebrate these occasions.

The shoot outs of the rest of the team can be found here.


  1. The photo of your mother is very touching - she looks like she's enjoying her crocheting and the newspaper - a woman after my own heart.

  2. Wonderful photo. We don't celebrate older folks enough. What a shame.
    We now celebrate "Grandparents Day" here it would seem. I was in Walmart and they had cards for the special day. I guess that we must have gotten this from the Aussies. Ours in on the 11th of September.

  3. Oh what a treasure she must be! - whew 12 kids... sounds like she is also a legend!!!!

  4. A wonderful photo of your mother but that rainbow sure blew me away. it's awesome!

  5. Your mother sure must have always been busy! I cannot even imagine having 12 children!

  6. Beautiful. Idle hands are neccesary to stay youthful. Lovely photo of your mother and of the rainbow.

  7. Beautiful rainbow. My mother always had something in her hands too. She never got to be a grandmother though.

  8. I had not seen both grandmas for almost 10 years, so when I saw them with permed hair, I couldn't get used to it. Both of them must have made a pact, forget the old feudal custom, and permed their hair at about the same time.

    When i asked her why, I cried and said I like her with her bun, she said I won't understand. she had to groom her long hair every evening and morning. In the end, I think she was thinning, so she took the plunge, and cut the hair she had for 70 plus years. All the freedom!!!

  9. ladies her generation, they hands are never lazy. I used to be in a committee, During our meetings about important things, our fingers were non stop.

  10. What a tender photo...quiet and warm. That is quite a family! She looks so peaceful.

  11. great shot of your mum Pauline. what a large family! love the rainbow and pot of gold also. I have posted for Patriot Day.


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