Tuesday 19 April 2011

A lot of to do about nothing

My grandmother wasn't into Shakespeare so, rather than much to do, she always said, "A lot of to do about nothing" when we exaggerated something.  If she'd heard of the "drama queen" expression, I'm sure she would have used that instead. This morning when I looked out the window and saw the lovely day that had dawned after my prophecy of doom yesterday, I muttered her expression to myself and added, "Drama Queen" for good measure. 
Yes, I had made a lot of to about nothing. Sure, the temperature dropped and yes, there was a bit of wind and rain.  But it all came to nothing.  

 Driving down the road I couldn't even see any leaves and branches across the road, let alone the fallen trees I had imagined.  Rather it was a typical autumn day, coolish and a little breezy but a clear blue sky and mild sunshine which strengthed during the day just enough to cast a shadow.


 The sheep couldn't have been happier by the look of them - and neither could I!


  1. It's great that the sheep were happier, just for a moment. And, don't be sad, because it will come alright the next or later days.

  2. How we all become overly dramatic about the weather...hot or cold; rain or snow. Weather brings out the drama queens in all of us.

  3. I keep thinking the same as you about winter arriving and then the sun streams in and the shorts go on again. It's a funny old world.

  4. our Spring here seems like winter. snow yesterday and today very cold and tons of rain! love the pic of the sheep.

  5. We've gotten 4+ inches of rain in the past 24 hours, which doesn't sound like much, except you could throw pots from the soil here, so it's very slow to seep in, just lies on the top in huge, lake-like puddles.

    Except around my basement, where the soil is, apparently, quite porous.

    Glad the wind didn't blow you away!

  6. I'm happy to hear you didn't have the bad weather expected. We had a tornado watch a few days ago but the poor folks in other areas got them. Awful things they are. You live in a beautiful area Pauline. I love that header photo. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. I've gotten into the habit of checking the weather forecast online and then i worry about what will happen in the days to come. Last week I avoided driving in a blizzard by leaving for the city a day early but coming back there was a 60% chance of flurries and I decided to leave earlier to avoid the snow that didn't fall and missed doing the last of my errands. Hope your weather will be beautiful for the rest of the fall!

  8. Heavenly countryside. Great living.

  9. I hope it keeps sunny for you for a good while longer before winter sets in.
    We are in a heavenly patch of real spring, quite unheard of for this time of year.

    Happy Easter!

  10. Hope your weather holds out nice for a bit longer so you can enjoy that countryside for a bit longer.


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