I like it when the prompt says "interpret as you wish." This week it is: From celebrations to reflections to resolutions; what does the New Year mean to you?
I don't do resolutions, got sick of breaking them so gave them up.
I've reflected on the year gone by. A pretty good one all round, I'd say. I did a bit of slowing down in preparation for retirement, so I'm now totally prepared. Bring it on!
Georgia and I ventured into chook ownership which has provided us with hours of entertainment. Yeah, I know, easily entertained we are!
Chris and I were late in taking our usual mid-winter break this year. It was spring before we decided where we wanted to go. I'm so glad we settled on the East Cape, it was a wonderful trip. So many beautiful beaches, I can't decide on just one to feature so I've chosen this handiwork of local children at Raukokore (I think). To me it signifies the simple delights of the company of children which I've been fortunate enough to share.
The year hasn't been an easy one for all my family and there are tough times ahead for Leone who will have back surgery early in the new year. But we all know that, no matter what the year may throw at us, we will still enjoy getting together and having fun together.
I am blessed to have these beautiful grandchildren and the joy of watching them grow. In Michael's case it's grow ... and grow ... and grow, he's a tall lad. Thankfully, that is the only way he's changed, he still has the lovely nature he's always had - and he's still the clown.
This time next week I will be in Brazil with my younger son. How's that for a way to start the new year?
I'll be checking on New Year posts from the rest of the Friday My Town Shoot Out team
here and post the Spotlights before I fly out on Monday.
Happy New Year to you all!