Sunday 5 April 2020

Jami's Project - Day 12

This is my daily entry in Jami's Project whereby she wants to create a collection of journal entries from people of different ages, from different countries and different parts of this country, during this 30 day Coronavirus period. She wants to highlight how "in this together" we all are, regardless of government policies, and the influence it will have on our wellbeing and to evaluate what individuals do to cope.  She has participants from Alaska, Canary Island, France, Canada and Norway.

As far as I'm concerned living in a lowly populated, islolated area is good at the best of times but right now, it has even more advantages.   Northland still only has 16 cases of Covid19.  I hope that is accurate as I believe our rural centres are desperately short of testing kits and one testing station I know of, at least, is only open Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 4 pm.  Yes, really.

This morning I made what passes for persimmon chutney.  I found a recipe but did a fair bit of adapting it using what I had on hand, like gala apples that were a day or two past their best instead of Granny Smiths, mixed fruit instead of raisins, chilli flakes in place of green chilli pepper.  Come to think of it the only ingredients that were as listed were the cider vinegar and persimmons.  The result wasn't very impressive but after many tastes and much discussion with my daughter I added some more lemon juice, a squirt or two of soya sauce and a little squirt of worcestershire sauce.   It's still a little dubious but we think it might be OK on corned meat so have added that to our next shopping trip list.

We had planned to have a picnic lunch at the lake at the back of the farm but the weather doesn't appeal.  It's gloomy and overcast with a cold wind.  Tomorrow, maybe.

The Daily Count
1039 total cases, 16 in Northland

89 new cases
15 in hospital
156 recovered
1 death


  1. Looks good. Just needs a lump of Jack Fruit and it could become a vegan delicacy.

    1. Crikey, jackfruit would have a heavy carbon footprint to your part of the world - or mine! The only place I've seen them growing is in Darwin, even tropical North Queensland wasn't tropical enough for them to ripen completely. Don't like the taste, anyway so no vegan delicacy for me!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. You have testing? Even our NHS staff are struggling to get tested. Only very ill patients are tested in England at the moment. We are a little better off in Scotland.

    Until a couple of weeks ago I'd never hear of jackfruit now everyone is mentioning it.

    1. There is a criteria for testing, Graham, but there are 7 testing stations in Northland. Do you think importing jackfruit and the like could be one reason why there are still so many planes in the air?

  4. Adapting recipes to what we have on hand is generally a hit or miss process, it sounds like you did a good job of it.

    1. You're right, messymimi, and I've had some real disasters doing just that. This time it was a relative success.


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