Monday 25 November 2019


One of the pleasures of living quietly is being available to babysit my delightful little great-grand-daughter.
I love how she has her little routines when she's here.  Within a few minutes of arriving she'll take my hand and lead me to my bedroom where she points to the hats and handbags, to where my scarves are kept and to my jewellery (such as it is but it impresses a 3 year old).  She always chooses the same things but lately has been mixing up the jewellery a bit.  And she always chooses a different pair of shoes.  The girl likes to accessorize.  Up till recently, she would keep her costume on all the time she was here but now she takes them off after a while, puts them away and then moves on to other things.  Now that the summery weather has arrived it's kicking balls around outside.  I wonder what will come next?

I didn't have any cherry tomatoes for her last week but she lit up when she spotted the grapes.  Obviously, I didn't give her enough as when I wasn't looking she climbed up on the back of a chair and helped herself to a few more.


  1. Pauline, I love it. She is so beautiful :)

  2. It doesn't seem two minutes since the others were setting off to school with anti-magpie flags.

    1. Oh gosh, Adrian, I'll never live those magpie flags down. But they worked! One of those flag carriers is the mother of this little one. Magpies still nest in that same tree so I might have to make another flag for this child before long.

  3. A beautiful little're so lucky to have her in your life. :)

    1. I am, Lee. She brings so much joy to my quiet life.

  4. Well you have precious cargo there. Are you not the lucky one!!

    1. I am lucky, I know it, Tabor. Nothing like hugs from a little one.

  5. I remember doing that with my nana, it's lovely to create memories.

    1. It sure is, Amy. I love the little routines.

  6. Grands and great grands are the reward for not giving up when you own were littles!

  7. Oh but isn't that the truth?! But what a reward - worth every bit of angst.

  8. Lexis looks very thoughtful.. I hope she grows up to live up to her name.


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