Monday 3 June 2019

Catch up

I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted.

For a long time the inclination to post left me.  Then, when I felt like it again, I couldn't remember how to!  I'm not joking.  My memory has become a very fickle thing.  I could find the blog but it was the logging in part that had gone.  Just quietly, I became quite uptight about it.  The blogging part, that is.  I seem to be living quite happily with most of my forgetfulness.  I write things down more and don't worry too much if what I've written doesn't make much sense a few days later.  It takes me twice as long as it used to do anything on the computer as I'm always double checking (and frequently forgetting).

I moved house before Christmas, not far, just 200 metres from my little house to the big old kauri villa on the hill.  Crazy, I know.  But it was a reasonable thing to do, made sense, at the time.  And I like living on a hill.  With a lovely view.

I see and hear things I never saw or heard when living down on the flat.  The outlook is quite different.  My older daughter has moved in with me recently and I haven't managed to drive her nuts just yet.  I do enjoy her company (and she's a good cook) but I have to be careful not to let her do everything around the house.  I don't need to be any lazier than I already am.  She's starting a new job this week as a technical writer.  Did you know that is one of the fastest growing occupations in NZ?

Luckily, I'm familiar enough with my own systems to still manage the Lodge, the school camp which is used for many other activities.  So I still get to go into the forest on a regular basis, the bush is still my happy place.

My camera is on it's last legs, I think.  It can sometimes be as fickle as my memory when it comes to turning on and off.  And it chooses itself about what it displays when it needs to be charged.  Whereas once I went nowhere without it, I now forget it as often as not but always remember my phone so most of my pics come from there nowadays.    I even often forgot to take it with me when I was on holidays recently in Australia.  I'll share a little about the trip next.


  1. Good to hear all is reasonably well.

  2. Hi Adrian, Imagine the little old lady leaning on her walking stick and replying with quivering voice, "Yes, reasonably well, thank you." Well that is not me just yet!!

  3. I hate when my mind gets tired and I forget something. Hubby has it even worse. We are the blind leading the blind. Glad you are blogging. At least you can read your memories.

  4. It's lovely to see you again!

  5. It's good to see you black in Blogland, Pauline. It's good to see the views again too. I was looking at some photos of a party there some years ago when the huge insect (name escapes me - oh dear) landed on me in the dusk. It was a splendid evening.


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