Monday 2 November 2015

War Beaches

Despite all its sombre reminders of the shattering war effort, Arromanches has a good deal of charm. 

Standing on the foreshore with all its natural beauty it is difficult to imagine the scenes of chaotic conflict which unfolded on its shores 70 years ago.  The reminders are there but there's no way I can comprehend the scale of it.  A temporary harbor was built here by the British in World War II to quickly offload cargo onto the beaches during the Allied invasion of Normandy.  Its remains are still there. A staggering 2.5 million men, 500,000 vehicles and 4 million tonnes of supplies was unloaded here. Makes my head spin!


I was touched by the flags of the Allies that are flying in these small beach communities.

The wind was more than a little chilly when we took a very quick walk on Omaha Beach, another D-Day Landing beach.  At the time I honestly did not notice that canine visitor at the bottom of the shot.


  1. I find it a rather desolate place but have never expressed my opinion of war quite like the dog.

  2. Our cruise held a ceremony for us there and it was very touching. Such a peaceful place.

  3. That's a place i'm not so sure i could visit, i might be overwhelmed by the sadness of it all. Then again, i've thought that about other places, and it turned out not to be quite so.

  4. eyes were drawn to the dog, too. Split second timing! :)


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