Sunday 30 September 2012

Unexpected ...

Unexpected sights this weekend...

 I wasn't expecting this in the parking area at shops in Auckland

or this when I went up a side road off SH16, next to Alan Gibbs property, thinking I might get a better view of his artworks.  It turned out the side road lead to an alternative entrance to his farm and there, just inside the gate, was the welcoming committee.  It strutted across the gateway in front of us, then turned shy.

I hadn't planned on going to Auckland until the middle of the week when I learned my English niece would be in town for a few days.  I invited my grand-daughters to come and keep me company for the drive, and Shayde accepted - for which I am very thankful. 

As well as catching up with my lovely niece, I also got to go to my other grand-daughter, Jami's end of year hip hop concert.    That made two concerts in one week, as I'd gone to a dance concert Shayde was performing in during the week.   No photos were allowed at Jami's concert, for privacy reasons. At the end of the show we were invited to line up and buy the video.  Strange that!   Privacy issues aren't so important when it comes to profit. 

Those who know Shayde will be able to pick her out performing in her concert.  As luck would have it, hers is about the only face that is recognizable.  So I shouldn't be in trouble with the privacy police.


  1. The last image is brilliant. Whether by luck or design it is a winner.

  2. What a cracker of a picture Pauline. And yes, I can recognise Shayde of course.

  3. Your a "hip" (hop) grandmother... I'm not sure I could even tell what's hip hop contra various other music styles. (I was going to add "modern" but then realized it's probably been around for a while by now...) Anyway it's a super photo. And as for the first one, one can't help wondering what the story is (where they'd been to get the car in that state).

  4. Wow, Pauline - you do get around! I'm going to have to go back and see what you've been up to while I've been away from the computer!

  5. Beautiful images, the last one suddenly beats it.

  6. Hello Pauline,

    Great dance photo. Had to smile at the photo of the dirty vehicle, however did he see out of the side windows.

    Happy days.

  7. Good grief have you been busy. I love that last photo!

  8. that truck may be in an ad for a steam clean machine. My husband bought one, but I tried it only once.


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