Tuesday 6 March 2012

Another dead end road

Not so much a dead end as a No Exit road, as it was more or less in the middle of town.

I can hardly contain my excitement at having a new camera - despite the fact it terrifies me a little.  The manual has 237 pages and I'm only up to P28.  But I figured I can't do much harm in Auto mode and while not really knowing what I wanted to take photos of, took off after work and drove around looking for things to practise on.  (Things on which to practise just sounds too poncy for someone learning to use a new camera!)   

So it's not surprising that I ended up turning into a No Exit road, one I'd never entered before and discovered, at the end of it, a view over the Victoria Bridge and the covered artisans' market/entertainment area, with the masts of yachts moored in the Town Basin in the background.  My prayers to Saint Veronica, the patron saint of photographers, must have been heard.  

I got carried away and took a photo of a road.  If I can remember how I got to where I was, I must return and try again with that shot when I have a better grasp of the camera's settings.

Don't rain on my parade and tell me that's a crappy shot.  I'm quite happy with the greenery in the foreground!


  1. I left Whangarei in 1995 but the hill above the Town Basin is unmistakable - which is a relief because nothing else is!!

  2. I'd be the last one to tell anyone that any shot was crappy. It all looks good to me!
    Congrats on the new toy!

  3. I'm sure you'll get lots and lots of fun out of your new camera - and we'll enjoy exploring it with you.

  4. it is a good feeling getting a new camera - have had mine delivered today and will be doing the same thing. Impressed that you have looked at the instructions - easy to rush in and not get to know what it is capable of in the end. keep at it!!

  5. Glad to hear that you have a new camera, Pauline. If yu persist and get through that manual you can pat yourself on the back. i think the way to tackle a manual for anything is to use a highlighter. I love photos with greenery in the foreground. Thanks for the birthday wishes!

  6. Congratulations on the new camera. Learning never stops ;)

  7. I'm still chuckling over your second paragraph. That's a great view of the new covered area of which I didn't get a photo at all.


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