Tuesday 8 February 2011

The passionfruit are ripe!  I've been watching the vine get more and more loaded and wondering when the fruit would ripen. 

First came the flowers - lots and lots of them, a sign of a good crop to come.

And then the promise was delivered - lots of fruit:
But, to me, they seemed slow to ripen.  I wondered if perhaps the recent storms and heavy rain had knocked them around too much.
But today we spotted the first ripe fruit:

Absolutely delicious!  Nothing better on a hot summer's day than a few passionfruit! 

It was cooler this morning with a heavy fog down along the road and I was thinking summer may be drawing to a close.  But my daughter posted on Facebook some wonderful summer fun photos, proof that summer is still here.

Oh, oh, that may not have ended well:

Great shots, Leone.


  1. What a posh flower....brilliant.

  2. Can't even begin to imagine what that fruit tastes like!

  3. I have never had passion fruit, but I have to say I think the flower is just beautiful. I would be picking all the flowers and end up with no fruit!

  4. I've often had passion fruit jelly or passion fruit bread but I've never seen a picture of the beautiful blossoms or the interesting view of the fruit. now I'd like to try the fruit itself. Glad to see you're still enjoying summer!

  5. I'm not a huge fan of passion fruit to eat because of its texture but it tastes good in things.

    It was 38℃ on the deck at The Cottage yesterday according to Wendy. I don't think summer is over yet!

  6. Beautiful photos !!!
    What nice flower and fruit !!
    And the childrens are lovely !!!
    I wish you the best for them !!!


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