Sunday 15 November 2009

A surprise gift.

Georgia and Archer, her Best Friend Ever, visited me this morning. They chatted with me briefly about the parade yesterday and which had been my favourite car, then went to the little shed out the back in search of wood. I was asked for tape and gave them cellotape. I was then instructed to close the curtain so I could not see what they were doing on the front deck.

Some time later they came in and presented me with this.

Archer said it was a Thingy-ma-jiggety but Georgia very quickly contradicted him and said, "It's not. It's a bookcase."

Of course, I could see that!


  1. You mean to say there could have been any doubt?

  2. Er, well-spotted Pauline! Have to admit it had me stumped ...

  3. Oh, I just love this. How creative these kids are and I can totally see it as a book case. Doesn't it just tickle your fancy?

  4. And I thought it was a rabbit hutch, silly me.


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