Monday 13 July 2009

Hunua Project

I'm not making any progress at all with today's post. I've been sitting here for over an hour waiting for inspiration to seize me but that has been about as productive as waiting for the right man to come along. And I don't think anyone has that much time.

Trouble is my mind is occupied with work. I only work part-time and when nearly the whole of my hours at work are taken up in a meeting, there are a lot of outstanding tasks at the end of the day. And they are playing with my mind.

This afternoon I've been pondering how different this job is from others I've had in the past 10 years. I was thinking of the differences between this and my most recent job, then I remembered the time I was Site Superintendent on a building construction site. On that job my hours were much longer than they needed to be to achieve everything that had to be achieved. I unlocked the gates to the site at dawn and locked them again at dark, which made for long days in summer.

I was responsible for safety on the site and would take a walk around a few times a day. To be honest it was mostly to fill in time but the crew thought I was very industrious and occasionally I'd get the feeling that I was getting on their nerves and I'd make a special effort to stay in my office. I refused to take a book to work to read but did a fair bit of writing.

Here is something I wrote one hot, dusty summer afternoon.

Hunua Project

Murmured voices from where? Near? afar?
sound familiar and comforting.

A constant hum hypnotises-
the gravelly rumble of a digger,
the dieselly growl of a dumpster.

The determined warmth of an early summer sun
penetrates unprotected skin.

Eager to please, a swift breeze rushes to bring relief.
Dust, happy to hang lazily around its source,
Is caught up and sent dizzily seeking its next resting place.

The surrounding hills absorb the sound,
Filter the dust,
And watch their naked neighbour
Change and grow.

Into what?

A quarryman’s dream,
An engineer’s vision,
A worker’s livlihood,
A conservationist’s nightmare.

Amidst it all, a project proceeds.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pauline! Thanks for stopping by Willow Manor. You have a lovely blog. I especially enjoyed the pics of the cows and the children. :^)


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